Child-focused practices in the administration of justice

Zahraničné semináre
Miesto konania

Whether children come into contact with the law as victims, witnesses, offenders or complainants, it is equally important that they are met with a system that understands and respects both their rights and their unique vulnerability. To develop policies that address children's precarious situtation and guarantee the proctection of children's rigths in the justice system it is necessary to provide training on child-focused practices. Child-friendly justice embraces the idea that courts can be a powerful tool to positively shape children's lives. The basic aim of the project is to provide the cross-border exchange between trainee judges and prosecutors as well as young judges and prosecutors regarding implementation of EU legislation, cross-knowledge of national legal system and comparative law.


Language regime: Hungarian and English


IMPORTANT: All those who had participated on the event are obliged to upload REPORT from this event within 30 days after their return and no later than 31 December 2014. The report may be written in Slovak or English language


Odborný garant
Hungarian Academy of Justice
Primárna cieľová skupina
Sekundárna cieľová skupina
Vyšší súdni úradníci
Právni čakatelia prokuratúry
Asistenci sudcu NS SR
Počet účastníkov
Zodpovedný koordinátor
JUDr. Jana Michaličková
Tajomník JA pre prípravu
JUDr. Jana Michaličková, odborný referent pre medzinárodné vzťahy,
Urgentná komunikácia
JUDr. Jana Michaličková,, 0911 960 687